…blah blah blah Food Allergy blah blah blah blah.

Sad, but true.

blah blah blah food allergy blah blah blah blah

Image via Food Allergy Fun

I encourage you to read more at Food Allergy Fun!  Hey, we all have to maintain some sense of humor about food allergies, and when we laugh at excellent cartoons like this, we know we’re all in it together & not alone (like it feels sometimes).

Follow Tiffany on Twitter for more cartoons as they happen!  I’m (obviously) a big fan.

4 thoughts on “…blah blah blah Food Allergy blah blah blah blah.

  1. Thanks so much for your very kind words! Some days I tell myself not to talk, draw or tweet about food allergies for the whole day – but it’s hard because the topic seems unavoidable when everything revolves around food. These cartoons pop in my head based on conversations I imagine – and I love it when someone else enjoys them. Thanks again for making my day!


  2. Pingback: Food Allergy Fun | Actual Responses – Food Allergy Fun Graph | World (and Lunar) Domination

  3. Pingback: My Food Allergy Responses Graph | World (and Lunar) Domination

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