
You all know I’m a Batman fan.  You might not know that I’m not really a Superman fan.  In this instance, I am indeed a Superman fan.  I’m not sure if this is real, in fact the only part that makes me doubt it is the fact that it says it’s a true story.  I’m generally not so sappy or philosophical here, but this just hit me for some reason, & I thought I’d share.

I’m not sure why it was on Lamebook, & not sure if it’s even real.  Even if it’s not real, we can all get a little inspiration from it (I hope). Please pardon my blogging equivalent of email forwards.  I hope this isn’t like the Fred Rogers was a Navy Seal rumor.

I get a few things from it that I’ll share afterwards:

Superman - Secret Identity -

Superman (


Superman (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

So, this is what I got from it:

  • Someone’s always watching you.  You’re setting an example for people around you even if you don’t know it.
  • You can get an inspirational or emotional lift from someone when you least expect it.  It can be form someone you wouldn’t expect, or even some one you’ve never met.
  • Don’t be afraid of those who are different than you.
  • While it’s great to be humble, it’s OK to be someone’s hero every once in a while.

What did you get from it?

17 thoughts on “Superman.

  1. That’s a fine, moving post re: Superman. The extra comments on what you get from it don’t add to it, if I can say that. When you choke up and the answers you give – what you think is in the writing of the post and partly why it’s good. The post is perfect standing alone, I think.


    • Oh, it’s definitely quite powerful standing alone. I just feel the need to elaborate when reposting things. After all, this isn’t tumblr. Ha ha.

      I do understand what you mean though, and hope my analysis doesn’t detract from the original.


  2. Oh, sorry, I thought that was your own post. My point was from that perspective, the adding of comments to your own piece. But I see it’s from ‘lamebook’. So of course, your own comments are perfectly important. I made a mistake there, sorry.


    • It’s all good… I see where you’re coming from. Thanks for taking the time to express your opinion!

      Mind if I ask how you found my humble corner of the internet?


      • Well, I’ve just started my own blog on wordpress. I think I may have come on your blog from looking at the recent blogs of note that wordpress advertise. Whether that took me directly to yourself or I saw your blog recommended on another blog person’s page – I can’t remember now. But that’s blog surfing for you! 🙂


  3. It’s certainly a moving story, the belief of the little boy. The seriousness of his imagination commands heartbreaking respect.


  4. Yes, I was looking at that lamebook site just there, trying to track the poster. That’s a very dodgy site. I wonder if that post is true or not. I suppose it doesn’t matter. If I read that episode in a novel, I’d think it well done. Certainly, whatever the source of the post, it does capture something about a child’s imagination and how adults are reminded of their own when they see it in a child. That’s the main thing.


  5. I just re-read it there. I think that’s genuine. I’m happy to believe it’s a real story and be proven a fool later by being told it’s a joke, than to by sceptical just because I didn’t see it with my own eyes. It sounds very true; something, you think, that could happen. I’m satisfied.


  6. Great story. It’s a shame we lose that awe of the unknown as adults. We often become too arrogant to believe in “heroes.” This story reinforces the fact that we need children around to remind us to keep dreaming. Thanks for sharing!


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