How to Solve a Maze With Photoshop…

Similar steps/tools would work in GIMP or paint.NET if you don’t have Photoshop, but check this out:

…unfortunately it won’t work on the mazes I draw, as you can’t just select one side.  They’re all connected.  If anyone can come up with a similar way to solve my mazes, I’d really dig it.

The Official Star Wars Blog | May the Pixels Be With You

From: The Official Star Wars Blog | May the Pixels Be With You.

This is awesome.

May the Pixels Be With You

May the Pixels Be With You

Oh yeah, you’ve seen Star Wars Uncut, haven’t you?

Dark Knight Rises Trailer #2

So, it’s finally online with decent quality.  It popped up all weekend from poorly shot cell phone videos coupled with audio that sounded like a garbled speaker-blowing mess.  It was quickly taken down each time it popped up.

Warner Brothers must have had an army of geek-zombies patrolling the web, or one hell of a search-bot going.  They stuck down with the fury of an angry deity and swiftly removed any infractions.

It’s official & super high quality at Apple’s site, but it’s also elsewhere with a quick Google.

The Dark Knight Rises

Will Bane break the bat once & for all?

It was awesome to be a part of filming at Heinz Field that day for “Magnus Rex”, I owe many thanks to the people from  Bethany & I had a wonderful time.  I know my friend Erin & cousin Melynda were also elsewhere in the crowd in attendance that day.  Erin even got a badass Gotham Rogues T-shirt.  A lot of people snuck in cell phones & cameras that day.  I apparently naively did as we were instructed & didn’t bring anything like that for fear of being kicked out.

It was awesome that a Batman movie was filming in Pittsburgh.  I’m obviously a big Batman fan, so I couldn’t pass up the chance to attend.  It was a long hot day to be sitting in winter coats.  I can’t wait until this hits theaters!

Maybe when the Bluray comes out and we can pause it 8 bajillion times, we’ll be able to pick ourselves out.

Check out: Batman Movie Night

The Official Star Wars Blog | Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars Day

From: The Official Star Wars Blog | Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars Day

Just a repost, as it’s awesome the way it is…

Words/Photo By Bonnie Burton

Last year to show support for a little girl named Katie who was bullied for liking Star Wars, fans everyone wore their Star Wars shirts to show support for “May The Force Be With Katie Day.”

This year, on Dec. 16, Katie’s mom urges fans to show off their Star Wars pride by wearing a Star Wars shirt — but to also consider donating a Star Wars gift to toy drives with the condition that it can go to a boy OR a girl, not just a boy! This helps spread the word that Star Wars is for both girls and boys!

Read more about this special event here:
Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars Day

Carrie Goldman (Katie’s mom) writes:

Please join us in the second annual Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars event on December 16, 2011. Celebrate this day of geek pride and anti-bullying by wearing something Star Wars or science fiction-related.

Since it is the holiday season, please also celebrate the day by donating a Star Wars or science fiction toy to a child in need (but be sure to put a post-it note on the new, unwrapped toy specifying that it can go to a girl or a boy; otherwise, these traditional “boy toys” will be given only to boys!)

You can bring the toy to a hospital, a shelter, or drop it off with any organization collecting toys. Feel free to host a similar toy drive at your child’s school, although you could call it “Proud To Be Me Day,” like Katie’s school does, so that the reach goes beyond science fiction.

Here’s our goal: let’s get Wear Star Wars, Share Star Wars to spread to as many people as possible! Every time you read or write a blog post about the event or upload a photo of what you’ll be wearing, share it on Twitter with the hashtag #WearStarWarsShareStarWars.

If you are on Facebook, you can join the event here.


No, I don’t want to chat.

Google’s Chat or G-talk is integrated into the mail inbox, over to the left.  It’s in about the same spot with Google+.

Yahoo‘s chat/messenger is integrated into their mail service &the only chat/add requests I ever get are super spammy.  (They’re also annoyingly getting rid of the “Updates” tab/pages which I’m sure not many will miss… but it was a way for me to read Facebook & Twitter at the same time.)

The latest Facebook outlet puts the chat right on up there.  I have my chat status set to away or always off or whatever it is… but it’s easily fat-fingered back into “hey chat with me” mode.

When I set up Ubuntu on a laptop, I setup something that acts like an instant messenger with tweets that are “@” me, and I think I can Tweet or Update Facebook from it.  It was cool for about 5 minutes.

I don’t want to chat.

We can talk back & forth via our Facebook pages, email, Twitter, or even a text message if urgency is required… but we don’t need to chat or IM each other.

I don’t have the need to instant message anyone.

If I’m at Yahoo or Google, I’m checking my email.  I’m trying to read something, I don’t need my focus pulled away.  I already have a miniscule attention span.

I’m not tryin’ to hate.  I’m just sayin’.  I mean, my wife picked me up using AIM. She was all up on me like “lol“,  “🙂“,  “send n00dz“.  OK, maybe not that last one.  But she did make plans with me to go to Ritter’s.

Instant messaging is fine, I just have no interest in it while I’m doing other things.  There are plenty of viable ways to say hello to me, or ask me questions.  I can’t think of any purposed served by instant messaging at this point in life.

Why is it forced upon me by every email carrier, social network, & rogue open-source operating system?  (OK, the last one is my own fault.)

Even some websites have built-in creepers now.  “Hello, I can see you’re looking at several different widgets on our site.  Our knowledgeable associate Peter Parker is available to help, type your question below to chat now.”

NO!  Let me browse.  (I do the same thing anytime a salesperson approaches IRL.)

Quit it.  I already have enough browser windows open at once.  I don’t need a chat going on.  I realize that I’ve reached the point of being obsolete.  I didn’t think I’d ever be the type of person that rails against change.  I don’t know if I’m railing against it here, or just not rolling with it.

So, please don’t take offense if this one time fan of Trillian doesn’t want to IM any more.  Maybe we can Skype some time.  Or not.

Emergency "Twitter was down so I wrote my...