More shocking & disguting revelations from your serving staff…

I wish I was done.  Perhaps this blog will wrap up all of my current thoughts on the subject.  Thanks for hanging in there, my friends.  And, I have received some comments on Facebook at Pittsburgh Beat, please comment here too!  Thanks to Trista & Dave for not being shy.  If you have no idea what I mean, this is a follow-up to my last two posts…

You may want to read those 1st.

The first article/slide-show that I’d like to tackle is also called 20 Secrets Your Waiter Won’t Tell You and linked to from one of the articles as 20 More Secrets Your Waiter Won’t Tell You. Apparently originality is lost here.

I’ll tackle the most appalling slides here..

What You’re Really Swallowing
In most restaurants, after 8 p.m. or so, all the coffee is decaf because no one wants to clean two different coffeepots. I’ll bring out a tray with 12 coffees on it and give some to the customers who ordered regular, others to the ones who ordered decaf. But they’re all decaf.
Charity Ohlund

Ridiculous.  What’s so hard about telling people of this policy, or cleaning an extra coffee pot?  Don’t they have dish washers for this kind of thing?  Any kind of secrecy is just wrong.  Granted, the opposite would be much worse for someone with a sensitivity to caffeine… but according to this  butthole, it happens quite regularly.  Is it too much to expect to get what you order?  Really?  I work hard for my money just like you, and ought to get what I want when I spend in your workplace.

What We Lie About
If you’re a vegetarian and you ask if we use vegetable stock, I’m going to say yes, even if we don’t. You’ll never know the difference.

I like that this is from someone anonymous.  Whoever you are, please take comfort in the fact that you are one of the lowest forms of human life on the planet and that there are not too many out there worse than you.  You’re sick.  You have a mental illness of some sort or a form of antisocial personality disorder… specifically the following symptoms:

  • Apparent lack of remorse or empathy; inability to care about hurting others
  • Tendency to violate the boundaries and rights of others
  • Disregard for the safety of self or others
  • Persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social rules, obligations, and norms

This is a serious illness, and I implore you to seek help.  This is just completely unacceptable behavior towards your fellow man, besides not doing your job correctly or with any sort of pride or responsibility.

I’m certainly not a vegetarian.  In fact, serve up any animal that’s not shellfish, an insect, or  having an opposable thumb, and I’ll most likely eat it or at least try it.  I love red meat… and white meat too… but there is not much better out there meat-wise than a nice steak, roast, or even a burger.  PETA annoys me to no end.

Still, I respect their life choices, life style, and dietary needs.  I have several friends and acquaintances that are vegetarian or vegan.  It doesn’t matter if their diet is because of personal choices, dietary needs, religious beleifs, or allergies. If I know they’re coming to my house for anything or if I’m taking food to a common event with them… I go out of my way to make sure that the food doesn’t contain animals or animal products.  Over the past few years, I even learned about things that I never thought of as animal products like gelatin-free sour cream.

I harp on the allergy thing because it affects me, but someone out there may have a severe allergic reaction to beef or chicken… and if the stock was made from fish or shellfish and someone lied to me about it… well, I might not be around to complain.

I just can’t imagine that in this day and age that anyone would think lying about something like this was acceptable.

What You Don’t Want to Know
Now that I’ve worked in a restaurant, I never ask for lemon in a drink. Everybody touches them. Nobody washes them. We just peel the stickers off, cut them up, and throw them in your iced tea.
—Charity Ohlund, Kansas City waitress

Explains why I’ve gotten so many lemons with stickers on them in my iced teas.  Aren’t there health codes or inspectors out there?  I’m vehemently against big(er) government, but I would gladly pay higher taxes for inspections to be more frequent and with higher penalties.  In fact…  I’ll sign up to do them at an incredibly reasonable price.

What You’re Really Swallowing
Skim milk is almost never skim milk. Very few restaurants outside Starbucks carry whole milk, 2 percent milk, skim milk, and half-and-half; it’s just not practical.

Skim milk is gross, but…  Again, why with the dishonesty?  Why not just tell people you don’t have skim milk, then let them make the decision if they want it or not?  I’d leave a bigger tip if my server was honest with me about something like that.

What Drives Us Crazy
The single greatest way to get your waiter to hate you? Ask for hot tea. For some reason, an industry that’s managed to streamline everything else hasn’t been able to streamline that. You’ve got to get a pot, boil the water, get the lemons, get the honey, bring a cup and spoon. It’s a lot of work for little reward.
—Christopher Fehlinger, maître d’ at a popular New York City restaurant

Wow.  I love hot tea, but don’t order it out much.  From now on, every time I feel a waiter or waitress is treating me poorly, I’ll be sure to add to their aggravation and order this.  Also, I find it funny that this is from a maître d’.  Shouldn’t they be held to an even higher standard?  And again…  I don’t care what it is… if it’s on the menu, I should be able to order it, and it should not affect your attitude or opinion because… buh-bahhh IT’S YOUR JOB.

What We Want You to Know
In many restaurants, the tips are pooled, so if you have a bad experience with the server, you’re stiffing the bartender who made your drinks, the water boy who poured your water, sometimes the hostess, the food runners, and maybe the other waiters.
—Christopher Fehlinger

This isn’t common knowledge by now?  Surely everyone knows someone who works at a restaurant.

What You Need to Know About Tipping
The best tippers tend to be middle-class or people who have worked for everything they have, not the really wealthy or the kid who inherited the trust fund. Which is not to say that we mind if you use coupons. But when you do, tip on the amount the bill would have been without them.
—Judi Santana

Makes sense… people at about your level who work for all that they have.  The coupon thing makes sense.  Save a few bucks on the restaurant’s dime, not your server’s.

Well, those articles led me to Frothy Girlz where I looked for an apparently old blog post that keeps coming up to annoy the writer.  I didn’t find the original post, but I did find a gem entitled In The Weeds: There’s a Food Allergy Community? Really?.

People just love them some communities.  I mean, they must.  After my Reader’s Digest piece was picked up by both the Today show and, the “food allergy community” opened up a peanut and gluten-free can of whoop ass on me.  Some scolded me for not caring if their children died, others asked for a full retraction and apology to the community, and others reminded me, again, that they could die.

Who knew there was a food allergy community?  Can you imagine the poor restaurant that is chosen for their weekly meetings?  The waitress nervously approaches the chef with an order the size of the Bible with all the special notes and codes and the words “COULD DIE!!!” hand written on half the tickets.

I’m disgusted by the cavalier attitude here.  I can’t imagine being a parent with a small child that had to deal with this.  It’s bad enough when it’s my own problem.  Yes, there’s a bunch of us out here, and we’re growing more vocal day by day.  Why?  Any more, it’s the small groups who have to power.  Wait until we start referring to ourselves ans a minority, and our right to eat out in comfort a civil right.  Wow, could we ever abuse that if we got it out at the right place and time to the right politicians.

I have dealt with a lot of food allergies in my serving career, and I care, I really do.   Every case was handled with extreme care.  I would go talk to the chef, who would roll his eyes and then have to stop the line and talk to every cook.  I then had to stop and tell every other server, busser, and assistant to make sure not to touch any plates at table 53 without washing their hands of any and all potential allergens.  She could die!  Meanwhile, the restaurant is completely packed and crazy and this person has put her LIFE in my hands and I have to trust – no, SHE has to trust – that all 95 people who could possibly come in contact with her or her food will completely sanitize their hands, the silverware, the plates, and the very air she breathes of any and all peanut dust.

A chef rolls their eyes?  That’s sad.  I think they’d get into the business wanting people to love their food, not die from it.  Sadly, in with the rest of this, she’s right on.  It should not be solely the responsibility of the server.  Restaurants everywhere need to be made aware of the inherent dangers of cross contamination in food preparation, cooking, & serving.  People suffering from severe food allergies are a small percentage of the population, narrow down the allergy & it’s smaller still.  I run into people that aren’t aware of allergies or their possible severity all the time.  Some people are taking steps to correct this, many others will be needed to join in & raise awareness.

But it’s too much for you, allergen sufferer, isn’t it?  I mean, if you could truly die, how do you throw caution to the wind and hope that your 12 reminders have done the trick?  Balls, you.

Yes, balls me.  Again, you have to weigh this against the social pressure to dine out, and desire to be like everyone else.  It’s much more than just the allergy that’s bothersome, and who doesn’t like to dine out every once in a while, especially in a place that doesn’t have a drive-through or a mascot?

That blog contained a vlog from this guy, who at best needs kicked in the teeth.  I can’t really go point-for-point because I don’t really feel like typing out transcripts.  If you’re interested in seeing what I mean, check out Would You Say “No Butter” to Julia Child!?.  He speaks of how I shouldn’t eat out because I can’t trust anyone but him… even though he’s an ass.  He does make one good point saying that people saying they’re allergic to things when they just don’t want them in their food is doing nothing but trivializing it for the rest of us.  But, “Anonymous waiter in Hollywood, CA”, don’t pass the buck, you’re still the arrogant bastard here.  Yes, I get it, you say things for shock value and to gain new readers… like I just said you need kicked in the teeth.  I’m sure you’re fine with that though, & enjoy the reaction.  If you’re teaching us to be better customers, who’s teaching you to be a better waiter?

Apparently people complaining upset the “In The Weeds” writer, and she posted another blog, again venting…

1)  From Shellshock: “Wow. The author is going to kill someone with the attitude towards allergies. I guess the terms anaphylactic shock and death are words not found in the author’s vocabulary.”

I covered the topic of food allergies already, but again, if you can DIE from someone messing up your food, you might as well ask your waitress to perform your next open heart surgery.  It’s really the same risk.  I’m not insensitive to your plight.  I’ll do my best.  But it really sucks that you could die.  Because if the Mexican kitchen workers don’t understand what I’m saying about “anaphylactic shock”…. damn.

Again, why not do your part and suggest to the owner/manager/chef that everyone be trained on food allergy awareness?  No one’s asking you to perform open heart surgery… we’re just asking you to be clean.  That’s all.  Don’t let dirty stuff touch clean stuff. Shouldn’t that be in practice anyway?

I mean this stuff is genius…

Education | For Food Industry and Service Professionals

To prevent allergic reactions, individuals with food allergies rely on accurate ingredient information and safe food handling procedures. The material in this section will provide food industry and service professionals with the information they will need to safely prepare, cook, and serve food to a guest who has food allergies.

Would that really be all that difficult?

Well, maybe I have one more blog left.  One dedicated to tipping… and my take on it.  I really hope to hear from some people in the industry about that one.

17 thoughts on “More shocking & disguting revelations from your serving staff…

  1. Oh, Eric. Eric. Eric. Eric. We’ve already argued this point before and I mostly read your blogs and chuckle to myself. You mentioned that employees should suggest to their managers/supervisors/whoever that they should all be trained in food allergy awareness. If I had looked at any of the managers I had while working in a food establishment and suggested such a thing, I would have just gotten laughed at.

    Again, I have to side with the rotten food employees on a lot of this (again). Especially on the hot tea- it really is the devil. When someone mentioned a food allergy, I answered to the best of my knowledge and if I didn’t know the answer- I said so. It’s not to be messed with and you’re probably the reason I paid attention, because I don’t know anyone else with deathfood allergies.

    The chef rolls his/her eyes because he doesn’t care about your or anyone else’s food allergy. He’s got another 50 checks that need cooked as well and cooking one plate separate from all the others is real pain in the ass. The other plates will not go out as fast as they should have, meaning the other 10 waitresses in the building are jumping down his throat wondering where their food is. Meanwhile, your waitress is hovering over him to make sure he’s actually doing what he’s supposed to be doing- also a real pain in the ass. In addition, all of the other people who have been warned are now plotting how they can sabotage your meal because you’ve slowed them down too. And I don’t mean you personally, but any person who makes an out-of-the-ordinary special request.

    Should you be allowed to walk in and order something that hasn’t been in contact with deathfood? Yes. Is it a royal pain in the ass for everyone involved? Yes. Is it their job? Yes. Should they just suck it up and do it? Yes. Should they be allowed to bitch about it and want to spit on your plate? Yes, you would too.

    Any chain restaurant has a food preparation manual that tells the cooks how to properly and safely prepare food. At some point during their first week there, they had to properly and safely prepare food. It takes twice as long. If everyone properly and safely prepared every plate, you’d wait twice as long. You may be ok with that, but I assure you that the 65 year old woman at table 5 and the 3 year old at table 12 are NOT ok with it. It’s a lose-lose situation and the reality of the matter is that most of the time people are making food as fast a possible and making that process as easy as possible.

    Not saying that’s how it should be, but show me someone who hasn’t looked for a shortcut to make their job take less time.

    That all being said- try going during times that aren’t prime mealtimes. For your own safety, and a better chance of not having an issue with it. When they aren’t as busy, it’s still a pain in the ass- but only a little one. There may come a day when a politician with a food allergy decided to do something about the issue, but I don’t foresee that any time soon.

    I used to cringe when I ended up with a table with small children because they make a huge mess. Now, I have a small child and I really only go out to eat when it’s an odd time. I win because the food comes quicker and I spend less time trying to keep Zoe from climbing the walls. They win because I’m not there as long, preventing the “boredom time” that leads to ripped up napkins, spilled drinks, and what I call Hurricane Zoe.

    Although, I suppose if you stopped having issues, this blog would get real boring, real quick. 😛


    • I was wondering when you’d chime in, ha ha ha. I really do appreciate both sides of this. I do my job, and yes, parts of it are a royal pain in the ass, like customs paperwork and inventory counts… but I do it, and the client never suffers because of my lack of wanting to do some aspect of my job.

      As far as… “Any chain restaurant has a food preparation manual that tells the cooks how to properly and safely prepare food. At some point during their first week there, they had to properly and safely prepare food. It takes twice as long. If everyone properly and safely prepared every plate, you’d wait twice as long.” Sounds eerily close too the assembly line work I did at SONY. I could to two stations in the time of one, so they changed the ‘op sheet’ to reflect that. Speed is the name of the game in assembly line work. Quality never suffered because of speed. A defect rate of 1%… just one out of a hundred TV’s was wholly unacceptable… and would cause the stopping of the line and spot checking of all the sets until a certain number was satisfied… so quality wins over speed.

      It’s not the waitress’ responsibility to hover over the kitchen staff, they should be doing things right in the first place because management and ownership dictate so… and because of their own internal moral compass (for lack of a better term).

      Parents should clean up after their children if they make an excessive mess in restaurants. It’s disgusting to leave behind a mess. Again, this leads to each individual conducting themselves responsibly… which is apparently something we’ve lost as a culture. Your waiter/waitress/busboy/hostess is not your maid, and ought not be treated as such.

      “There may come a day when a politician with a food allergy decided to do something about the issue, but I don’t foresee that any time soon.” – There is currently a ground-swell of mostly crazy parents getting ridiculous things passed in local governments where your kids can’t take peanut butter sandwiches to school any more for fear of one killing their kid. While I understand the intent of the laws, I think the prevention is misguided. Education about these things to the teachers, administration, cafeteria workers, bus drivers, and students would be a much better approach.

      I feel that people respond better to knowledge than they do to regulations.

      And I don’t get the hot tea thing. I make hot tea all the time at home, it’s really not that labor intensive to boil water.


      • The hot tea thing is exactly what the article said: it’s not automated. Coffee is easy because it’s already in the pot (assuming someone bothered to brew a new pot when they finished the last one). Hot tea is a pain because those little containers that hold the hot water are inevitably shoved in a bottom cabinet behind 8 other things, then the tea bags themselves are at the opposite side of the store, and then you have to get a little plate and a spoon and whatever. It’s just the little extra stuff that comes with it. Again, hot tea at 8 at night is totally different than hot tea at 5 during the dinner rush.

        Line cooking is very much like assembly line work. Ask Zach about that sometime. Everything runs smoothly until one person makes a special request- and then it slows the whole operation down and it takes forever to recover. A good day in the day of a line cook is when all the orders come through, they can hang them up in front of them and make the food without having to think about it. Just like someone on an assembly line does.


        • Why not just put the bag in the cup & use the hot water tap off off the coffee machine? Or make pots of tea liek you make pots of coffee?

          Again… if you’re going to a restaurant, and paying for food, it ought to be prepared however you want it. You don’t go to get a haircut and pick from one of 5 pictures… you get whatever you want.


          • I was under the impression that most, if not all, places had that hot water supply on their coffee maker.

            As for making tea like coffee, tea doesn’t work that way. Tea needs to steep. You would need a special machine for that and then people would complain because it wasn’t made “right.”


            • I do know the little tea pots that they speak of… I would also think an restaurant-grade coffee machine would have a hot water tap.

              I can see tea can’t really sit. I have had tea made late at night at McDonald’s… they do it in the coffee pot if the tea maker is empty & it’s late, and it tastes like coffee.


  2. …and, I still can’t imagine any scenario anywhere ever that would justify this:

    “If you’re a vegetarian and you ask if we use vegetable stock, I’m going to say yes, even if we don’t. You’ll never know the difference.”


  3. Vegetarians and vegans are irritating and annoying.

    With that said, I do know a few people who are actually allergic to meat. Their bodies simply cannot process meat in any efficient manner, so they get ill if they consume anything containing meat products. I’m sure this pertains to certain aspects of the meat that I’m unaware of, but that’s not really the point. These people tend to be just like you, Eric. They are calm and collected and they speak to the staff knowing that they are the ones with the issue, not the staff at the eating establishment.

    I’d like to state that I know when I’m handed decaf coffee instead of regular. I will call you out on that and you will bring me regular coffee or I will speak to the manager.


    • What’s funny is that I never served decaf instead of regular, but vice versa. Decaf coffee is the most pointless thing in the world, aside from non-alcoholic beer. I did however stop doing this after I had a kid and wasn’t able to drink caffeine at my regular pace for a while- I had to order decaf at the coffee shop when I was there just hanging out with my friends.

      I suppose most of the problems described in this blog would be reversed if the food staff simply had to walk in the shoes of someone with some sort of deathfood issue.


      • While decaf coffee is pointless to you, some people like the taste and having a warm drink, but can’t have the caffeine. People do this to my grandma all the time & she’s up all night tweaking like a crack addict because she had one cup of coffee.

        I have a cousin with a heart condition that really has to watch his caffeine intake too.

        There’s no reason anyone needs lied to.

        You can simply say “there’s no decaf” if there isn’t any and you don’t want to make it… then then can make a decision.


    • There seems to be a “new wave” of non-preachy vegetarians, and that’s cool with me. They’re not all whiny about it. They just do their thing for their reasons, and they’re not out to make you into one any more than I’d try to make them want a nice juicy steak.

      For some reason, the vegetable stock thing just strikes me as the worst offense on the list. It’s just not right on any level.

      I don’t drink enough coffee to know right away whether it’s caffeinated or not… but I can tell you in about 20 minutes or so.


  4. Pingback: World (and Lunar) Domination

  5. Pingback: This tiny sign made my day… « World (and Lunar) Domination

  6. Pingback: Aller-G’s « World (and Lunar) Domination

  7. Pingback: Tipping is not a city in China | World (and Lunar) Domination

  8. Just this year I developed an allergic reaction to clams, which being from the NW I grew up eating. Absolutely loved clam chowder as a child and adult, but if I went for a cup today it could be my last meal. I can’t so much as smell them without having a strange meet-your-maker type panic attack.
    It all came out of nowhere this year in March on a day I will never forget. I live with my boyfriend, and we also worked together at the time at a restaurant. I was finishing my shift and felt suddenly so tired I could barely keep my eyes open. My eyelids literally felt very heavy, it was causing quite the head strain to keep them open. I couldn’t get any enjoyment out of an after work beer, so I went home right away.
    When I got home I went to go wash my make up off. My reflection wasn’t exactly what I was expecting to see. My upper eyelids were super puffy. I knew I was having a reaction, but I assumed it was due to my mascara. I was also wondering why my boyfriend wouldn’t have said anything earlier, because I felt I looked pretty different. He got home from work shortly thereafter and we put in a movie. He didn’t seem worried and was super tired and grumpy so I didn’t want to make a thing out of it and just tried to move on and get ready for bed.
    Things seemed to progressively get more uncomfortable from there. My face began to feel very stiff. I thought for some reason taking a shower would help, since I was still convinced mascara must be poison and I wanted to make sure it was all gone. When I got out of the shower not only were my upper lids bigger, but I had developed puffy almost bluish green sacs under my eyes. It looked like I was aging into a politician within minutes.
    At about 3 a.m. in the middle of the movie we were watching in bed I felt very acute panic. I really wanted to go to the hospital. My heart just didn’t seem to be ticking in it’s usual reliable rhythm. It felt very strained, weak, and noticeably irregularly beating to the point where it seemed like it wasn’t going to start again. My boyfriend was asleep, and I woke him, and he very grumpily accused me of worrying over nothing. Being that I was also tired like him from a long hard days work, I just tried my best to zone out, enjoy the film, and get some rest. I did say a little prayer because I felt like if I died in my sleep it would be the most awful thing for him to wake up next to.
    I awoke just a few hours later. I felt even worse. He woke up too. I cant remember any words that we spoke to one another, but I was planning on calling in sick, calling my mom, and getting in a cab to go to the emergency room. It was hard to breathe for me and also hard to talk. My lips and tongue and throat seemed to be swollen and numb. My face felt stiff and I barely recognized my reflection now. My mom encouraged my to get to the e.r. asap, I called her because I just wanted to hear her voice since I was in full panic my-life’s-possibly-going-to-end-soon-say-goodbye mode. My boyfriend got squeamish, was hesitant on giving me a ride, but seeing how hellbent I was on going to the emergency room he insisted on taking me at the last minute as I was dialing my cab ride.
    As we pulled up to the e.r. he asked if he could just drop me off. I was very hurt by this and scared to go by myself. He said he would come find me and I got out in the patient drop off zone and said bye, he admitted he was having a panic attack. When I got to the check-in window I gave the desk lady all my info. It was a blessing that my healthcare plan has just begun my coverage the day before. Once I said allergic reaction she made some quick moves. I’ve never been taken care of so fast.
    A nurse came and got me and gave me a heads up that with my condition I should be prepared for quite a bit of attention. This being said as she checked my blood pressure and noted it was extremely fast and very weak. My boyfriend came in looking horrified, I was so happy to see him I almost cried. I was then further helped by two more people who noted my throat and tongue were swelling. This was not news to me because it was pretty hard to talk at this point. I was given a quick run down on a series of shots. One person hooked an I.V. to my arm and gave me something powerful, then after a minute I was given a shot of adrenaline in my leg. Right away I felt so great. The desk lady came by and gave me a thumbs up and called out to me “you look so much better!” My boyfriend apologized for not taking my concerns seriously and all seemed well.
    A few hours later after spending an uncomfortable amount of time sitting in a hectic e.r. hallway with screaming patients being rushed around constantly, I was set free. The observation time was done, and the hospital had some meds for me to pick up. I couldn’t really imagine what sorts, but we went up to get them.
    I got to the window and was given the run down on how to use an epi pen. I had never seen nor heard of one of these giant unsightly things. My two pack came with a trainer pen, and we had a practice round together with the fake one. I was just coming to the realization that my purse was not large enough to fit them, and that my whole life was about to change because I needed to have them with me always.
    The next thing I had to do was go get a long series of allergy tests. I had no clue what to think because I was 30 years old and had never been allergic to anything in my life. To my complete shock, it was clams, not my mascara. It made sense because just that day I had enjoyed some clam chowder.
    Well, the good news was that as a kitchen worker I worked in a clam-free kitchen. We occasionally put clam chowder on the steam table, but after my episode, we stopped rotating that soup. Yay for that.
    I have now become a better waitress and kitchen worker. Before this happened I was purely annoyed by people with allergies because I really just didn’t care. My attitude was pretty much that they weren’t welcome. Part of me felt like they were hamming it up. It wasn’t an issue I had knowledge of. This is pretty common in the food industry.
    Now if a customer comes in with a peanut allergy and I am aware that they want to know what is safe, I explain that nothing is safe for them. We keep peanuts on our line, no one changes gloves after grabbing peanuts. I am certainly not saying I don’t wash my hands often, i do plenty, my skin will never be normal on my hands from the constant soaping and bleaching and latex glove smothering treatment they get. Its just that in that particular kitchen, your hands aren’t considered to be soiled just because you scooped some nuts into a cup and put it at the pass. Sometimes the nuts fall out and bounce off salads and onto the line. We don’t throw that salsa container out because a peanut fell into it. Anyhow long story short, I tell customers who are concerned about it not to eat at our establishment, unless their allergy is mild.
    I started to work in a new kitchen as my second job. We steam clams in this kitchen. When I was trying to get hired I said nothing about clams. The first day I did mention that I had an allergy, but that I was not afraid to work with them. It wasn’t a lie at the time.
    Now that I have steamed my first entree of clams I realize it was a total fucking lie. I’m deathly afraid of them and even the steam that comes off of them. My whole tongue tingles when we steam them. I get super afraid, I don’t want have to use my pen. I looked up online and there seems to be a mask they make for this situation, I ordered one last night. I’m obsessed. I’m obsessed with clams and how not to touch or eat them or the things they touch.
    In this kitchen I wouldn’t so much as eat a thing I didn’t see through from start to finish, and even then I feel the whole establishment is contaminated with clam particulates.
    I trust no kitchen with a clam. The staff there seems pretty alien to the concept of allergies. My new mask with its filters will hopefully allow me to continue to make a living and enjoy life. I will be keeping two epi pens in the kitchen while i work. I’m informing my coworkers on what might need to do or what they might need to do if i have a reaction. I do not believe I will be a server at this place, but if a person with a shellfish allergy asked me what was safe, I would say perhaps a shot of Jameson, but make sure the bartender washes their hands first.
    Anyhow, I like this blog! I would write a few more industry secrets about contamination but Ive got to go. Tomorrow I’m wearing two bandannas over my face at work until my mask comes with its luxurious clam blocking filters.

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